Map and Access
By car
Ii is located about 35 kilometers from City of Oulu, 70 km from City of Kemistä, by the national road E8.
By bus
Ii kuuluu Oulun joukkoliikenteen toimialueeseen, katso reitit ja aikataulut:
Myös kaukoliikenteen linja-autot operoivat Iissä, katso eri liikennöitsijöiden aikataulut ja reitit:
By train
The closest trainstation is located in Oulu center. See the timetables and reserve tickets:
By plane
The nearest are Oulu Airport (50 km) Kemi-Tornio Airport (76 km).
By sea
Iistä löytyy monta vierasvenesatamaa, joihin voit kiinnittää veneesi. Vierasvenesatamat löytyvät Praavasta, kunnantalolta (Iin Hamina) ja Rantakestilästä. Katso lisätiedot:
Brochure of Ii
Municipality of Ii with around 10,000 residents is surrounded by the beautiful seaside, Gulf of Bothnia and three rivers. Only a 25 min drive from the City of Oulu, Ii offers affordable and relaxing vacation opportunities. Ii entertains visitors with summer fairs, art exhibitions and outdoor activities like trekking on nature trails, fishing, berry picking and kayaking.
Did you know that Ii’s unusual short name is originated from the Sami word iddja or ijje which means night.
- Download Visit Ii brochure (english)